Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Wind Cave atau Gua Angin terletak di daerah Bau (disebut baok), Kuching, dengan jaraknya daripada bandar utama Kuching kira kira 45 minit perjalanan memandu dan juga bersebelahan dengan Sungai Sarawak.
Pekan Bau pula terletak dalam perjalanan ke arah pekan Serikin di sempadan Sarawak-Indonesia, jadi sesiapa yang dalam perjalanan (atau baru pulang) ke Serikin (dengan syarat masih belum letih berjalan) boleh singgah di Wind Cave ini. Kawasan Bau kaya dengan sumber batu kapur asli dan oleh itu banyak gua yang terhasil dan kawasan lingkaran gua tersebut diberi nama Bau Formation.

Yang menariknya, gua di kawasan ini dahulunya dihuni oleh manusia pada zaman dahulu kala di mana sumber aliran air boleh ditemui di dalam gua ini.

Menurut sejarah, Wind Cave mendapat nama tersebut kerana terowong di dalam gua tersebut menjadi laluan angin sepoi sepoi bahasa yang keluar masuk dari satu pintu masuk gua ke pintu masuk yang lain (Tapi bila dah sampai ke tengah tengah gua tu, sebenarnya berpeluh juga).

Terdapat beberapa pintu masuk utama di Wind Cave, walau bagaimanapun salah satu entrance di sebelah selatan gua, iaitu bersebelahan dengan Sungai Sarawak ditutup buat masa ini. Ini kerana batu yang menampung jambatan kayu yang merentasi gua telah runtuh dan merosakkan struktur jambatan tersebut.

Jika hendak masuk ke dalam gua ini, jangan lupa untuk membawa lampu suluh kerana di dalam amat gelap, sama ada lampu suluh sendiri atau boleh disewa dengan kadar RM3. Bayaran masuk pula ialah RM3 untuk dewasa dan RM1.50 untuk kanak kanak. Anda juga boleh datang dalam kumpulan 5 orang dimana bayaran untuk satu kumpulan ialah RM10 (RM2 seorang). Sesiapa yang datang seorang atau berdua kena berani kerana jika tidak anda tidak akan berani masuk.

Formasi stalagmit, stalagtit dan formasi batu kapur yang lain di dalam Wind Cave dikatakan terhasil sejak 60 juta tahun yang lalu. Malah ada yang menyerupai seperti kepala buaya dan juga rangka buaya!

Disepanjang laluan gua tersebut, anda juga akan dihidangkan dengan bunyi cicitan dan terbangan kelawar yang menghuni gua tersebut. Kadang kadang tu, rasa seram pun ada.

Mungkin di sinilah tempatnya orang zaman purba kala beradu?

Setelah penat berjalan dan mahukan rehat, boleh bersantai di Baruk Shelter atau pondok Baruk yang dijaga rapi.

Anda juga boleh mandi di Sungai Sarawak yang berhampiran gua. Airnya agak deras tetapi cetek dan selamat untuk mandi.

Kawasan Wind Cave dilengkapi dengan bilik bersalin (untuk orang yang mandi di Sungai Sarawak), tandas, dan gerai makanan dan minuman. Selepas Wind Cave, selepas ini kami bercadang untuk ke Fairy Cave pula, yang terletak tidak jauh dari Wind Cave ini.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


The Wind Cave is a very popular local tourist destination close to Kuching. It probably received its name from the draught of air which passes through the passage leading to the Sungai Sarawak Kanan on which it is situated. The name is translated as "Wind Cave" or "Cave of the Winds".

In fine weather, many groups from Bau and Kuching visit the cave. The most popular attraction is the western entrance of the cave which has a small beach adjacent to the Sarawak River. It is a favourite picnic and swimming spot that has gained in popularity after the closure of the Bau Lake for the mining of gold.

While some visitors take to swimming and relaxation in or near the river, others would explore the cave. Torches are needed to enter the cave and explore its passages. The stream provides easy access through the cave to the river. This cave is smaller than the Fairy Cave, but it has different formations and the cave stream adds a different focal point.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The Matang Wildlife Centre is about 35km from Kuching. Located in Kubah National Park, this large enclosed area of rainforest is home to endangered wildlife. There is a training programme here that teaches Orang Utans, who have been orphaned or rescued from captivity, how to survive in the wild. Visitors will be able to see lots of Orang Utans here, especially during feeding time. Besides these adorable primates, there are also Sun Bears, Sambar Deer, Civet cats as well as three large aviaries that house Sea Eagles, Hornbills and other birds in Sarawak.

Jungle trekking is also possible as there are four jungle trails here, the Pitcher Trail (takes about 2 hours), the Sungai Rayu Trail ( about 3 - 4 hours), the Sungai Senduk trail (about 1 hour) and Sungai Buluh trail (about 2 hours). Picnic spots, an information centre, accommodation facilities, a car park and a small canteen are available at the park HQ.


Annah Rais Longhouse is located at about 60km away from Kuching City. It is a large & old Bidayuh Tribe's Longhouse that houses over 80 families. Majority of the us here are still live in a traditional way of longhouse's living. We plant paddy, cocoa, pepper, rubber & etc. for living.

Annah Rais longhouse has a written history of 175 years old (over 500 years old of unwritten history, which counting to approximately 8 generations old) to date. Many tourists from all over the world come to visit Annah Rais Longhouse everyday, & they just fascinated with the traditional way of living here.


Set amidst the charming backdrop of tall tropical trees, lush vegetation and local fruit trees lies this unique farm with over a thousand crocodiles bred in captivity. The farm provides a perfect sanctuary for the reptiles, saving the species from extinction. There are huge and deep concrete ponds and natural breeding grounds for the crocodiles to mate and multiply.

Visitors are able to gaze at the snapping jaws, cold menacing eyes, sharp pointed teeth and powerful lashing tails of the crocs within short distance yet safe because of the metal fence.

Apart from crocodiles there are also numerous rare species of birds and animals found only in the Borneo Island. Visitors can have the enchanting experience of walking freely among the monkeys, leopard-cats, sunbears, bearcats, pheasants, civets, barking deers, sambar deers, turtles, fruit bats, monitor lizards, pythons and even hombills.


Tucked away on the foothills of legendary Mount Santubong, 35 km away from Kuching is Sarawak's fascinating cultural showcase, the award winning "Sarawak Cultural Village".

This living museum depicts the heritage of the major racial groups in Sarawak and conveniently portrays the respective lifestyle amidst 14 acres of equatorial vegetation.

Here, it is possible to see Sarawak's ethnic diversity at a glance. The handicraft is both bewildering and tempting, including the Kain Songket (Malay cloth with gold inlay), Pua Kumbu (Iban housewives textiles), Melanau Terendak (sunhat), Bidayuh tambok (basket), Iban parang (swords), Orang Ulu wood carving and Chinese ceramic.

The 45-minute cultural performance of songs, dances and entertainment is something you will not want to miss out during your visit to Sarawak.


Gunung Gading national Park is located in the Lundu District, southwest of sarawak. The Park consists of rugged mountain peaks which provides a scenic backdrop to the nearby beaches at Pandan and Siar. The waterfalls in the upper reaches of Sungai Lundu have become a popular recreational destination for both local and foreign visitors. The more adventurous visitors can take a hike right up to the peak of Mount Gading which is 900 meters high.

Gading is the home to numerous rare plants including the world's largest flower, the Rafflesia tuan-mudae (bunga pakma). At full bloom this giant flower streches nearly one meter in width.

The flowers can be found on specific vines like the Tetrastigma. The spores settle on the host plant and develop into a bud which then becomes a gigantic flower, brownish red in colour. It stays in full bloom for about a week only. The main pollinator for this flower is the carrion fly.


Semonggok Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre is located south of Kuching and is a sanctuary used to rehabilitation Orangutans which have been injured or captured. See the Orangutans roaming freely in the wild and experience their feeding time in this unique setting in the rain forest.


Bako offers outstanding diversity of natural landscapes in a relatively small area. Its beautifully dense rainforests and stunning beaches are home to many flora and fauna including the rare proboscis monkey. Try and spot them during low tide as they forage in the exposed Mangrove tree swamps. There are 16 color-coded jungle trails as well as lodges for overnight stays - which you have to book early. On the high ground, look out for pitcher plants. And beware of the monkeys, they are very clever and compulsive thieves!(don't forget to spot the boar!)

Monday, May 11, 2009


The most significant reason to the ever popularity of the Sarawak pottery is simply due to its traditional designs. Each pottery piece is expertly hand craftted by the most skillful and creative potters.
The design on these pot be painted on with natural colours.Others design representations include dogs, hornbills, tigers, flowers, hunters, even dayak women in local setting.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


It is a tradition in Sarawak, Malaysia to serve Sarawak Layered Cakes on special occasions. In the Malay language they known as Kek Lapis Sarawak, Kek Lapis Moden Sarawak, Kek Sarawak or Kek Lapis. They are often baked for religious or cultural celebrations such as Eid-ul-Fitr, Christmas, Deepavali, birthdays and weddings.

People in Malaysia practice an open house on festival day. A unique feature of Sarawak's open houses is the modern layered cakes.


India Street : a pedestrian walkway of variety of colorful textiles, clothing, crockery and other essentials in a manner not changed much in the past decades.

Jalan India is lined with shops selling all kinds of goods, particularly textiles. Mid-way down Jin India (if you can find it!) there is a narrow passageway that leads to Jin Gambier, where the fruit, vegetable and fish markets and the spice merchants are located. If you follow this passageway you'll pass a small Mosque hidden away in the middle of the city. The Mosque's structure has undergone many changes since it was originally built by Kuching's Indian Muslim community in the mid 19th century.

India Street is a day mall best visited in the day time when most shops open only till 6pm in the evening.


The most popular temple in Kuching is the Tua Pek Kong temple along Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman which is the oldest tokong cina in the city.

The temple is built back in 1843 opposite the old temple is the Chinese History Museum (Muzium Sejarah Cina). The museum displays some history of the Chinese community in Kuching and Sarawak in general, tracing their heritage from various migration origins in mainland China.

Main Bazaar along Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman is a must-visit in many travel itineraries. Main Bazaar showcases almost similar characteristics of the old shop houses on Carpenter Street and Leboh Cina, with fancy souvenir outlets a norm than an exception.

Jalan Carpenter, parallel to Main Bazaar, has a similar selection of small traders and coffee shops, as well as food stalls and two small Chinese temples. The whole area oozes charm and character. Off Leboh China (Upper China St.) there is a row of perfectly preserved 19th century Chinese houses.


Experience and discover for yourself the fascinating world of cats at one of the world's unique cat museum. Explore the galleries and you will definitely be amazed at the variety of species and other assortment of artifacts from other parts of the world on display. The World's first Cat Museum, devoted to all things feline, is in Petra Jaya in the Kuching City North City Hall. Cat lovers will find a range of exhibits, photos, feline art and cat souvenirs. Tel: 446688. Open daily 9 am to 5 pm (closed public holidays). Admission free, camera fee RM 3, video fee RM 5.


Jalan Padungan is lined with Chinese shophouses mostly built in the 1920's and 30's during the rubber boom. Some are very elegantly decorated, and a walk round the back of the buildings can reveal fascinating architectural details.

Padungan has some excellent coffee shops and restaurants, more handicraft shops and some unusual specialist retailers.

The Great Cat of Kuching, a monumental kitsch statue, is situated at the junction of Jalan Padungan and Jalan Central. After years of being the king of cat, this white Great Cat now has a competitor - the Cat Statue opposite Holiday Inn.


The Sarawak Museum, located in Jalan Tun Abang Haji Openg, is one of Asia's finest. It houses a collection of Bornean ethnological and archaeological items and an exhibition featuring a reconstruction of the great Niah Caves, with remains of the Neolithic people who lived in the Caves.
Closed on Fridays and public holidays.


Situated at the Main Bazaar along Sarawak River in Kuching.
The waterfront is about 1 km long and is also known as the People Place. Built for the people of Sarawak. It has many facilities such as restaurants, handicraft shops, entertainment hall, and the dancing water fountains


The district of Kuching on the northern bank of the Sarawak River mainly consists of Malay kampungs. Prominent on its hilltop site is Fort Margherita. Situated within walking distance from the Astana in Kuching. It is named after the Rajah Charles Brooke's wife. Built in 1878 as a token of love to his wife. It is today's the Police Museum.


The Court House is surely one of the most magnificent buildings in Sarawak The imposing facade has intricate local art patterns incorporated in its door and window grilles and roof panels.

Completed in 1874, it was the seat of government during the reign of the white Rajahs. The beautiful clock tower was added to the architecture in 1883, with the obelisk memorial to Rajah Charles Brooke officially commissioned in 1924.


The Sunday Market also known as "Pasar Minggu" is ideally located within the City near the well-known Satok Suspension Bridge. The popular Sunday Market in fact starts its activities as early as Saturday afternoon.

Jungle produce of all kinds find their way to the market through the hard working Bidayuh women folks from the outskirt longhouses.

A stroll along the Sunday Market is like browsing through a Borneo supermarket. Here you can find an array of tropical fruits and a variety of jungle vegetables seldom seen at any wet market. Sago worms, also find their way to the Sunday Market. It is a specialty for some locals who believe in eating them raw for good health and vitality. Also can be found at the Sunday Market is another rare jungle produce called Miding. Miding is the Malay name of a fern found only in moist bush areas along stream banks and near the fringe of jungle. The stalk of the young leaves and the leaves are soft and sweet if fried with prawn paste and chilly.



The name 'Borneo' has long meant magic to travellers, and if you skip Sarawak, you'll miss something special. The state has a superb system of national parks, beautiful beaches and a diverse thriving tribal culture whose hospitality to strangers is unmatched. Situated on the north-western coast of Borneo, the Land of Hornbills beckons the visitor with its rich rainforests, intricate weave of rivers, pepper plantations, and the diverse cultures of its indigenous people.

Sarawak shares its borders with Indonesia's Kalimantan province in the south and Brunei and Sabah in the north-east. Sarawak is Malaysia's largest state, covering an area of 124, 450 with one of the most pleasant cities in all of Asia, Kuching, as its capital.

Two-thirds of its land is covered in rainforests and its population of 1.7 million is made up of 23 ethnic groups. Sarawak's indigenous peoples have a strong sense of identity and have made their mark in government, education and the media. A unique history has given Sarawak a character of its own, distinct yet very much a part of Malaysia.

Its capital city, Kuching, one of the most charming towns in Malaysia is simply unique offering such a romantic and unlikely history. Kuching’s residents is approximately 450,000. Perfectly preserved colonial buildings blend elegantly with the gracious modern architecture adorned with beautiful landscape.

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